Virgen de la Rosa

Has been a private school in the city of Burgos for the last 50 years. The school belongs to Fundación Caja de Burgos, a non-profit organization which works for the social benefit of the city of Burgos.

Virgen de la Rosa school is undergoing a renewal of its identity. The new educational proposal is inspired by the principles of humanism, addressing five axis represented in the Vitruvian man. This figure symbolizes our project today aimed at the training of men and women who can approach the ideal of knowledge and character, which define a full existence and a successful journey along life.

Throughout the educational process, our school makes explicit reference to certain fundamental values, developed through the axes of culture, solidarity, initiative, nature and socialization. Due to the fact that the school is not too big, each student is treated as a unique human being, with his/her strengths and weaknesses.  All of them are regarded as individuals, with particular attention to diversity and specific special needs.

We consider that early detention of difficulties, diagnosis, and derivation to specialized services in the cases which require it, and collaboration with other institutions, are fundamental when you have to give a specific answer to students’ diversity. We can say that there are so many aspects of diversity in students as the number of students in the centre, however, it is also true that there are students who, in some circumstances, both temporary or along their whole lives, require a more specialised answer.

Our aims are of a broad scope:  to achieve the student’s total integration in the educational centre, whatever his/her own circumstances and characteristics are, to succeed in the total development of his/her potential, facilitate the adequate educational answer from teachers and achieve total social integration among their fellow students. When there are cases which cannot be completely treated in our centre, due to its special features or seriousness, we get in contact with other institutions in order to achieve a total and coordinated line of action (Mental Disease Services, Neurology, Specific Associations such as the ones which deal with Autism disorders, Social Services, Paediatrics, etc)

Twitter: @VrErasmus

