Gulbenes novada vidusskola (Gulbene Municipality Upper-Secondary School) is a Public school founded by the municipality. The school was established in August 2020 by merging Gulbene town schools into one.

There are 1155 learners in school (1st-12th grade, 7-18 years old). In the 1st - 6th grade are 621 Primary school age children (7-12 years old).

The school offers wide range of programs: general basic education, special basic education, general secondary education, also interest education programs and choices, that gives high school students the opportunity to learn according to their interests and future plans.

We say that we are a school ready to move non-stop:

  1. with satisfaction,
  2. with innovation (in the field of IT, Technical Creativity Center, creativity),
  3. with values (growth, cooperation, professionalism, international experience, preservation of cultural heritage).

School's website:
